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Forward Faster Initiative

Guiding companies on where they can make the biggest, fastest impact before 2030.

Don’t fall behind the times. Move forward, faster.

History has taught us that the leaders who succeed are the ones who meet the needs of the future by moving forward. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, we need forward thinkers, doers, builders, changers, movers, leaders. Because right now, only 15% of the SDGs are on track for 2030. We must be more ambitious.


Companies participating in the Forward Faster will:


Discover how your company can collectively make the biggest, fastest impact by 2030


Have various local engagement and collaboration opportunities & solutions


Learn from industry leaders about best practices, successful implementations and integration


Have the opportunity to advocate for change


Have access to valuable resources

Are you ready to move your company forward faster by 2030?

Across the SDGs, there is a demonstrated correlation between bold action and positive corporate returns. Taking action today will help protect your business, people and the planet.

Ambitious corporate action starts here.

Our Pioneers

Have Questions?

  • 2] Is there a fee to join the Corporate Sustainability Engagement Programme?
    Yes, a fee will be determined based on the customised programme.
  • 1] How can my company get involved in this programme?
    This programme is exclusively offered to participants of the UN Global Compact Network Malaysia & Brunei (UNGCMYB) and is custom-tailored to meet the unique needs of each company. You may contact to learn more.
  • 2] Who can join the UN Global Compact?
    Participation in the UN Global Compact is open to any business genuinely committed to implementing the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact throughout its operations and sphere of influence, communicating on its progress annually. Properly constituted (under prevailing national law) companies from any industry sector are eligible for participation, except for companies: Subject to a UN sanction Listed on the UN's Ineligible Vendors List for ethical reasons. Earning revenue through the production, sale and/or transfer of anti-personnel landmines or cluster bombs Earning income through the production and/or processing of tobacco. For non-business organisation participation, kindly refer to more information here.
  • 4] What are the commitments upon joining?
    Submission of Communication on Progress (CoP) on an annual basis together with the CEO Statement of Continued Support via a digital platform. For more info, visit the CoP page. Payment of annual contribution fee Failure to comply with the above two obligations will result in expulsion or the company being delisted from UNGC.
  • 9] Is UNGCMYB part of the UN in Malaysia?
    UNGCMYB is registered as a non-profit entity in Malaysia and adheres to local laws and regulations. As a local network we are directly under the purvey of the UN Global Compact.
  • 1] What is the difference between the United Nations Global Compact and UN Global Compact Network Malaysia & Brunei (UNGCMYB)?
    The United Nations Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, mobilising a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders. It provides a platform for business and non-business entities to proactively network and engage in the areas of human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. Participation in the UN Global Compact signifies a visible commitment to implementing, disclosing, and promoting its Ten Universal Principles. Local Networks, such as the Malaysia & Brunei Network, advance the initiative and its Ten Principles at the country level. Our role is to support organisations and private sectors in engaging with the UN Global Compact, ensuring the implementation of its principles, and providing guidance to translate sustainability commitments into action. By providing a platform for dialogue and learning, we create opportunities for multi-stakeholder engagement and collective action.
  • 7] Is signing the Global Compact the same as signing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
    No. The SDGs are a multisectoral agenda that can be worked on independently by civil society, companies and governments. The UN Global Compact supports the business sector with tools, content and resources to facilitate the integration of the SDGs into their business strategies.
  • 5] Can participating/ member companies use the UNGC Logo?
    While the UN Global Compact logo is for use by the initiative only, companies are encouraged to use the Endorser "We Support" logo after obtaining permission through the online request system. It can be used, for example, on websites and relevant print materials to communicate your commitment to the initiative and raise awareness of the UN Global Compact. To obtain permission on the usage of the Endorser logo, companies must submit an official request using the online logo request system. Companies are required to indicate where and how the logo would be used. Every use of the Endorser logo requires prior permission. To use the authorised Endorser logo, an organisation is required to: Be an active Participant of the UN Global Compact, with an active CoP status. For Non-Businesses, have an active Communication of Engagements (CoE) status. Kindly refer here for the logo policy and brand guidelines.
  • 8] Which organisations currently participate in the initiative?
    The UN Global Compact has over 22,000 participants globally, with over 270 companies participating in the Malaysia & Brunei local chapter. You can view the list here and filter participants by country, sector, type of organisation, among other criteria.
  • 6] Is UN Global Compact a certification or consultancy?
    No, the UN Global Compact is not a certification or consultancy, nor is it legally binding or substitute for any regulatory approaches. The UN Global Compact is a principles-based voluntary business initiative anchored in the United Nations, which supports companies to work strategically in driving sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • 3] Can company subsidiaries join the UN Global Compact?
    Yes. Subsidiaries that wish to underline their commitment and become a UN Global Compact signatory alongside their parent company are welcome to become a member of UNGCMYB to actively participate in both our local and global activities. Subsidiaries can join either independently or through their parent company: Independent Joining Subsidiaries can join independently if the parent company is not yet a member. The subsidiary is required to provide its own Letter of Commitment, and will receive a separate profile on the UNGC website. The subsidiary is also required to fill out their own Communication on Progress (CoP) report annually and annual membership fee is calculated on the basis of the subsidiary's turnover/revenue. Joining via Parent Company The subsidiary can use its own or the parent company's Letter of Commitment, and will receive a separate profile on the UNGC website. The subsidiary is given an option to fill out their own CoP annually or adopt its parent company's CoP. Annual membership fee via this application is RM10,000 for a non-listed entity in Malaysia and RM20,000 for a listed entity in Malaysia.
  • 2] Does my company need to be a UNGCMYB participant to join?
    No, companies don't need to be UNGCMYB participants to join. However, as pioneers of the Forward Faster initiative, they have the opportunity to go through all six phases of the Local Forward Faster Framework. Participants, on the other hand, are eligible for specific phases/events/programs within the six phases. Subsidiaries of parent companies participating in the UN Global Compact are welcome to commit separately to one or more of the Forward Faster initiative targets provided they are also UN Global Compact Participants in their own right.
  • 1] Does my company need to commit to all the targets to participate?
    No, it doesn’t. Companies have the flexibility to commit to as few or as many business targets as they prefer to participate in the Forward Faster initiative.
  • 6] My organization was delisted due to no CoP submission. What do I do?
    Your organization will have to rejoin the UN Global Compact. Please contact our Member Relations team with the following documents: - A valid, completed CoP - A letter of re-commitment
  • 1] When am I expected to submit my CoP after joining UN Global Compact Network Malaysia & Brunei?
    New joiners are required to submit their first CoP within the submission period of the following calendar year after joining. For example, if a business joins in 2024, they are expected to submit their first CoP in 2025.
  • 2] How do I submit the CoP?
    The CoP is to be submitted through the CoP digital platform, accessible via the UNGC Dashboard by any of the organisation’s designated contact points.
  • 4] My organisation is a subsidiary of a UNGC Participant. Do I have to submit a CoP?
    Subsidiaries are not required to submit their own CoP. If the parent company and subsidiary are linked in our system, the completion of the 2023 CoP should appear on the subsidiary profile as well, and their status should reflect the parent company submission. However, subsidiaries may choose to submit their own CoP to show their entity’s activities, progress and data.
  • 5] My organisation’s status is “Non-Communicating”. How do I become “Active”?
    The Participant status will change to “Active” once the CoP is submitted. If there is still no CoP submission by 31 December of the year, your organisation will be delisted.
  • 3] What time period should my CoP data cover?
    Organisations are required to complete the CoP questionnaire using data from the most recent closed data collection process. Ideally, the CoP data should cover a twelve-month period closed within the twelve months prior to the submission of the CoP (e.g., for the 2023 CoP, a company could use data covering the period from July 2021 to June 2022; January 2022 to December 2022; or April 2022 to March 2023, among other examples). Companies will be ask to indicate the period covered by their CoP data at the beginning of the questionnaire and should maintain consistency over the years regarding the period covered to facilitate better comparability over time.
  • 7] Where can I find all relevant information regarding the CoP requirements, due dates, delisting policy and more?
    You can find up-to-date information on the CoP page, CoP Academy page, or the Help Scout FAQ tool, and join the Participant Q&A sessions, available for registration on theUN Global Compact Events page.
  • 8] Where can I find relevant information and guidance to help me answer each question in the CoP questionnaire?
    The CoP Guidebook is the primary resource for content-related questions. It provides guidance, rationale, and links to references to related reporting standards for additional information.
  • 1] Is there a fee to join the Accelerator?
    Participants of UN Global Compact Network Malaysia & Brunei (UNGCMYB) can join ALL Accelerators for FREE.
  • 3] What is the mode of delivery? Is the programme conducted in-person or virtually?
    All Accelerator programmes are delivered virtually, with the exception of the SDG Innovation Accelerator for Young Professionals, which is conducted both in-person and virtually.
  • 2] How many representatives from my company can enroll in the Accelerator?
    Participants of UN Global Compact Network Malaysia & Brunei (UNGCMYB) may designate up to 2 representatives for each Accelerator. However, for the SDG Innovation Accelerator for Young Professionals, companies may designate up to 8 representatives.

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